Pros & Cons Of Feeding Wildlife

Pros & Cons Of Feeding Wildlife

cardinal on feeder Feeding wildlife is something that can be enjoyed from the comfort of your own home. Nearly half of all households feed some form of backyard wildlife. But is this a good idea for them or for you? We have some thoughts to help you make your own decision. First, think about why you want to feed backyard wildlife and if you do decide to feed, make sure you are protecting the wildlife you seek to attract. Find out about their natural diet & place your feeders in safe locations. Pros.

  • Feeding promotes wildlife awareness.
  • People who enjoy direct contact with nature are more likely to support wildlife conservation.
  • Wildlife won't lose their natural foraging skills simply because part of their diet is supplied by humans.
  • Birds are often the best pest controllers for your garden.


  • Less dominant animals are forced away from the areas around feeding stations and more dominant species may get an unnatural advantage.
  • Diseases may be passed on when wildlife group together around one feeding station.
  • Animals that become used to being fed might lose their fear of people.
  • Your neighbors might not appreciate this new rise in wildlife activity.
  • Predators, especially cats and dogs, target feeding wildlife.
  • Dropped food may encourage vermin.

Know the law. It is illegal to feed deer or moose in the state of New York. If you are putting out food, make certain that is it out of their reach or something that wouldn't attract them into your yard. Remember, if you do feed wildlife, do it responsibly.

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