Winter Horse Nutrition

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Winter Horse Nutrition

Horses can live outside year-round, but as cold temperatures begin to creep in, their feeding requirements will be significantly impacted. As a responsible horse owner, it’s important to understand the feed modifications they may need and how to implement them.

As temperatures drop, horses will continue to burn more calories trying to stay warm and acclimate to the weather. This is why feeding adjustments are often necessary to meet the horse’s increased energy requirements. The bulk of a horse’s diet should always consist of high-quality forage. And during winter, this forage base will be what’s keeping the horse warm as they generate heat during fiber digestion. A normal 1,000-pound horse consumes approximately 20 pounds of hay per day, but during cold weather, that same horse may need 25-30 pounds of hay per day to stay warm.

Ensuring horses are consuming enough water is also important in winter. They may not show the same level of thirst as they do in warmer months, but they still need an adequate supply of fresh water. Proper hydration is critical year-round as dehydration can lead to colic in equine. To encourage this water consumption, access to a trace mineral salt block through winter can help, as well as making sure the horse’s water source is free of ice every day and at the optimum temperature (45-65°F).

Warm bran mash can also be provided to horses during winter to increase water intake and help prevent impaction colic. Bran mash is a fluffy, low-density feed that is similar in nutritional content to oats. It’s half the density of corn or wheat and relatively high in vitamins. There are a variety of recipes for creating bran mash, most involving 4-8 cups of bran, a tablespoon of salt, and mixing warm water until the bran is well saturated. Another option is to make a mash out of the horse’s feeding by using a 100% extruded horse feed. Sentinel’s extruded horse feeds work great for this.

High-quality forage should form the basis of the horse’s diet during winter as it provides essential nutrients and helps generate body heat during digestion. Supplementing with a concentrated feed also ensures they receive the necessary nutrients to support their overall health. Feeds with higher fat content are a great choice during winter months to help maintain body condition as fat packs two times more calories per pound compared to carbohydrates and protein.

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