Nutrition Notes The NutriVantage® / Optaflexx® Advantage Both field trials and research data from the Kent Nutrition Group (KNG) Product Development Center have shown that stressed calves benefit when fed NutriVantage® for beef. Intakes are stimulated and average daily gains enhanced, while morbidity and mortality decrease. Next, we looked at the response of growing and finishing cattle to this natural nutritional package. In the initial study, data were examined to determine the effect of NutriVantage® on overall feedlot performance. Cattle fed NutriVantage® from Day 1 of the grower phase until slaughter were observed to gain faster due to stimulated dry matter intake. Cattle fed NutriVantage® throughout the trial (157 days on feed) were 25.12 lb heavier at slaughter than the control (non-NutriVantage®) steers. Factoring in the additional feed consumption over the study, plus the cost of NutriVantage®, return on investment was still about $9.25/head (fat cattle price $1.05/cwt). Unfortunately, when fed cattle prices declined (mid -$80/cwt), this scenario turned unprofitable. However, it turns out 85-90% of the cattle’s response to NutriVantage® occurred the last 28 days before harvest. This suggested that feeding NutriVantage® only the last 28 days of the feeding period could translate into savings while maintaining most of the feedlot performance. As KNG research into this late growth period for NutriVantage® was being planned, an FDA-approved growth promotant, Optaflexx® (ractopamine HCL), looked like it might be a good fit to feed concurrently with NutriVantage®. Optaflexx® has a four-to-six week pre-harvest feeding recommendation and has a claim for enhanced rate of gain, improved feed efficiency, and increased carcass leanness. All cattle from the above trial (Sachtleben, 2010) received the same base diet of shelled corn, dried distillers grains with soluble (DDGS), Kent Co-Product Balancer 800R and limited corn silage. NutriVantage® and Optaflexx® via Kent Cattleflex® 1600 were included as indicated. All steers were implanted. Control cattle gained slower than all other treatment groups. The addition of NutriVantage stimulated (P < .15) ADG, as did Optaflexx®. NutriVantage® plus Optaflexx®, supported the best rate of gain. These dual additions resulted in an associative response. All dry matter intake (DMI) data from test cattle were similar to control steers. Trends in this trial (P > .05) again suggest that NutriVantage® stimulates DMI and does not generally improve feed efficiency. Carcass data were collected on individual steers and while large variability within treatment groups made statistical differences difficult to detect, strong trends were apparent. Steers fed NutriVantage® plus Optaflexx® tended to have less internal fat and higher hot carcass weights than other treatment groups. From the above performance data, the following 28-day economic summary was developed. Optaflexx is a registered trademark of Elanco Animal Health. NOTE: The product tested in this research was named BoVantage®. In 2019, the name changed to NutriVantage®, however all ingredients remained the same. All research findings for the product formerly named BoVantage apply to NutriVantage. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Related Nutrition Notes Drought Affects Water Quality During periods of drought, concern turns immediately to forage supplies, and rightfully so – cattle need to eat. Water is one of those things that is taken for granted, however,… Read More Derecho Damaged Corn The Derecho damaged an estimated 40 million acres of farm landing, laying fields of corn bent and broken, if not completely flat. This article investigates designing and using cattle grazing… Read More Kent Performance Primer When stress happens it often impacts livestock in more than one way, such as feed intake, maintenance requirements, and even health status. Learn how Kent Performance Primer has proved successful… Read More Want to learn more from KNG research? Give us your email address to be notified when we publish new Nutrition Notes articles.