Selecting the Best Chickens for Your Coop
Before bringing home new feathered friends, it’s important to determine the best chicken breed for your goals, climate and situation. These three steps brought to you by Home Fresh® Chicken and Poultry Feeds will help you decide the best breed for your coop and how to keep them healthy.
Step 1: What are you raising chickens for?
The first step in finding the right chicken breed(s) is identifying your purpose for raising chickens. Are you raising them for eggs, meat, enjoyment or show? This will have a large impact on your choice of bird as some breeds can fulfill multiple needs, but most have their primary use in which they excel in.
- Egg Layers: Several factors can influence the number of eggs a chicken lays, but one of the most significant is the breed. Chicken breeds that are known to be dependable egg layers include Australorps, Austra Whites, Black Stars, Golden Comets, ISA Browns, Lohmann Browns, Plymouth Rocks, Rhode Island Reds and White Leghorns.
- Meat Chickens: Popular breeds raised for meat are ones that are efficient, meaning they grow very quickly. Many hatcheries’ top-selling meat bird is the Cornish Cross, but other meat breeds include Big Red Broilers, the Dark Cornish, Delaware Broilers, Ginger Broilers, the New Hampshire and Plymouth Rocks.
- Dual Purpose Chickens: These chickens are ones that are both productive at egg laying and produce a nice table bird. Popular dual purpose chicken breeds include Australorps, Brahmas, Delawares, Dominiques, Jersey Giants, Orpingtons, Plymouth Rocks, Rhode Island Reds and the Sussex.
- Good Pet Chicken Breeds: Chickens can make great pets that desire to be with their keepers. If you’re looking to add some docile pets, breeds that are known to be extremely affection with friendly personalities include Australorps, Cochins, Orpingtons, Silkies and Speckled Sussexes.
- Show Chicken Breeds: Those looking to show chickens, or who have children wanting to show may appreciate Bantam chicken breeds. These breeds are smaller, making them easier to handle, transport and wash. In addition, breeds that are clean legged, meaning they don’t have feathers on their legs, such as Leghorns, Orpingtons or Rose Combs are good show chickens as they are much easier to keep clean.
Step 2: How will your climate affect chickens?
Choosing the type of chicken you want will help you narrow down breeds, but there are still other factors to consider, including your climate. Different breeds are better for different climates. For example, if you live in an area with very cold winters, you will either need a cold hardy bird, or the ability to provide them with a shelter that is heated and out of the elements.
- Cold Hardy Chicken Breeds: Some features you will notice in cold hardy chicken breeds include small combs (less susceptible to frostbite), heavy feathering (extra layering) and larger in size (more body fat to protect them). Chicken breeds that can thrive in colder climates include the Ameraucana, Australorps, the Blue Favuacana, Bountiful Blue Egg Layers, Brahmas, Buckeyes, Cochins, Dominiques, Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds and the Sussex.
- Heat Tolerant Chicken Breeds: Chicken breeds that are heat tolerant will often have a large comb and wattles, which act as an air conditioner as warm blood is pumped to those parts and then dispersed. Breeds that are able to survive in warmer climates include Delawares, Leghorns, the Minorca, New Hampshire Reds and Plymouth Reds.
Identifying your purpose for raising chickens and recognizing your current climate is important in helping you choose the right chicken breed for your situation. Raising the right chickens will ensure you are able to provide the proper care they need, while also meeting your own goals in chicken keeping.
Step 3: What is the best chicken feed?
After you determine your purpose and select the right breed, you will want to choose the right chicken feed. Home Fresh provides a broad array of poultry feeds for various uses and all stages of life. Read our blog, Choosing the Right Home Fresh Chicken Feed to select the feed that will help your flock members grow and thrive.
With complete and balanced nutrition, your flock will have what they need to stay healthy and happy. Our nutritionists have precisely formulated each of our poultry feeds with just the right balance of vitamins, minerals and important nutrients. Get a $5 coupon on your next 40 lb. or 50 lb. bag of Home Fresh Poultry Feeds! Don’t forget to follow us on social media for information on our latest products, tips and testimonials.