Home / Suet Cakes / Cranberry Snap Suet Cake
A variety of insect, berry and seed-eating birds are drawn to Blue Seal Suet. Woodpeckers, Nuthatches, Chickadees, Titmice, and the Northern Flicker are common visitors at the suet feeder -- especially during the winter months when birds need an additional source of energy.
Blue Seal offers suet cakes in a superior melt-resistant formula with a variety of flavors. Our suet cakes are designed to work with all suet feeders. Suet placement, environment and geographic location will impact the variety of birds attracted.
Longer Lasting
Rendered Beef Suet, Cracked Corn, Millet, Black Oil Sunflower Seeds, Processed Grain By-Products, Dried Cranberry Pieces, Vegetable Food Color (Beet)
Clean any remaining material out of feeder and discard appropriately. Remove suet from wrapper and place into feeder. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water after touching feeder.
NutriVantage Nutrition Optimizer is an exclusive research-driven nutritional feed supplement that is only available in Kent/Blue Seal products.
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