Paul Fuller
Paul Fuller shot his first pheasant over a point when he was 10 years old. He was hooked on bird hunting forever.
“I went hunting every day after school during season and on the weekends,” says Fuller, who grew up in Ohio’s farm country. “I was totally immersed.”
Fuller’s father was a veterinarian who always kept hunting dogs – English setters for pheasants, and beagles for rabbit. Both breeds were treated like sporting partners, and Fuller learned early on the importance of maintaining their stamina and endurance in the field.
“You have to offer the absolute best nutrition so they live good, long and happy lives,” Fuller says. “Hunting is a sport, and hunting dogs need to run hard and stay strong.”
Eleven years ago, Fuller was introduced to Native® Performance Dog Food. By then he’d already made a living in the fishing and hunting industries, both as a print columnist and radio personality. With 50 years’ experience in the outdoor industry, he and his wife, Susan, were producing training videos and other related broadcasts. Fuller and his dog, Dillon, were well-known to fans on the Bird Dogs Afield website.
What he learned about Native changed the way he talked about nutrition for his sport. One of biggest differences that stood out for Fuller was Native’s EnergyFIT™ system, which delivers the needed nutrition based on a dog’s activity level and specific life stage. From puppies to advanced sporting dogs, Native’s formulas transition easily from one energy level to the next to provide the fuel needed for optimal performance and body condition.
“Native invented that system,” Fuller says. “We have fed it to our dogs for 11 years, and I wouldn’t change it for the world. They’re always full of energy and ready to go.”
Fuller says the nutrition formulas for each Native level ensure that his dogs are performing at their highest ability. Native uses only the highest quality natural meats and grains without corn, wheat, soy, or meat by-products.
For Fuller, Native’s Level 3 is “the magic combination” to feed his dogs the month before hunting season.
“My dogs have endurance and stamina that is just so much stronger,” he says. “I can run them all day long and they won’t quit. Native is a good, solid dog food.”
About Paul: With his wife, Susan, Paul lives in New Hampshire and has produced hundreds of videos for bird hunting enthusiasts. The couple have three German shorthaired pointers, Dena (9 years), Cordie (4 years) and Blaze (3 years). When they aren’t working, Paul and Susan enjoy ballroom dancing.