Nutrition Notes Written by our Ph.D. nutritionists and other animal nutrition staff professionals from the KNG Nutrition Department, these articles address timely nutrition and management topics or issues making news in the industry. View Product Filters Species Beef CattleDairyDogEquine VeterinarianGoatHorsePoultrySwine Showing 49-60 of 118 results Supplemental NutriVantage® Hydra: Performance and Economics in Grow-Finish Pigs Swine Read to learn how Nutrivantage Hydra may help pigs immune system during times of stress and how it can assist your operations performance and economics. Continue reading… Corn Processing and Moisture For Feedlot Cattle Beef Cattle The optimal moisture of processing and feeding corn to optimize feedlot performance has long since been debated. Continue reading to review several studies that have been compiled to try an answer these questions and allow you to better help your producers make grain and feeding decisions. Continue reading… The Influence of NutriVantage® on Lactating Dairy Cows Dairy While the effects of Nutrivantage Nutrition Optimizer on cattle and dairy calves have been well documented, there is very little data on the effects of Nutrivantage in lactating dairy cows. Continue reading to learn about the overall positive results found in the field trial. Continue reading… Impact of HydraVantage® on Performance and Economics of SEW Pigs Swine HydraVantage Dietary Supplement is a highly refined, flavored and soluble nutritional premix that can help support the gut and immune system. Read to learn the benefits observed in SEW Pigs when using HydraVantage. Continue reading… NexGen With Cibenza® and Mintrex® Copper Could Improve Profitability For Producers Swine We conducted a head-to-head evaluation in a customer’s grow-finish barn between the Kent NexGen program supplemented with CIBENZA® DP100 and MINTREX® Copper, and a competitor’s program. Continue reading to learn how this feed combination is a viable means to reduce costs and improve profitability for certain operations. Continue reading… Dietary Vitamin C Helps Health-Challenged Pigs Swine After weaning, it is extremely important for pigs to begin eating quickly and have access to a diet that provides energy and essential nutrients for optimum health and growth performance. Therefore, we elected to evaluate supplementing starter diets with a stable form of vitamin C (Rovimix® Stay-C® 35). Continue reading… NutriVantage® For Poultry For Commercial Poultry Operators Poultry After observing the benefits NutriVantage Nutrition Optimizer has shown in multiple other species we took advantage of an opportunity to work with an integrated layer operation in Iowa during summer to see if added Nutrivantage would benefit layers as well. Continue reading to learn what was concluded from this study. Continue reading… The Vantage is Still in NutriVantage For Beef & Dairy Beef Cattle, Dairy After numerous feeding trials the initial observations of NutriVantage causing better feed intake, gains, and immune support has been affirmed in cattle products from calf milk replacers to dairy beef supplements. Read to understand the data supporting this conclusion in a summarized format. Continue reading… Effect of Supplemental NutriVantage® Hydra on Performance and Economics in Weanling Pigs Swine NutriVantage Dietary Supplement is a highly refined, flavored and soluble nutritional premix that can help support the gut and immune system. Read to learn the benefits observed in weanling pigs when using NutriVantage. Continue reading… New Approaches To Balancing Dairy Cows’ Energy Needs Dairy Energy is often the most-limiting nutrient for the high-producing dairy cow. A good option to provide this energy is fat but it can have a negative impact on the rumen if fed too much. Continue reading to learn about a new approach to providing the energy dairy cows need. Continue reading… Supplemental Nutrivantage® In Grow-Finish Pigs Swine Developing products that can help pork producers raise healthier pigs to feed a growing population is an ongoing effort at the Kent Nutrition Group Product Development Center. Learn how NutriVantage® Nutrition Optimizer® for swine is a research-driven feed supplement designed to help animals achieve optimum nutrition from their diet. Continue reading… The Effect of Skycis™ In Grow-Finish Pigs Swine Coming changes to antibiotics regulation in pork production, make it imperative that alternative compounds be developed to help improve performance and/or health of swine. Learn more about Skycis, a newly developed Elanco Product that has shown to improve performance, carcass traits, and economics by producing more favorable energy utilization. Continue reading… < FIRST1....34567....10LAST >