Nutrition Notes Written by our Ph.D. nutritionists and other animal nutrition staff professionals from the KNG Nutrition Department, these articles address timely nutrition and management topics or issues making news in the industry. View Product Filters Species Beef CattleDairyDogEquine VeterinarianGoatHorsePoultrySwine Showing 25-36 of 118 results Benefits of Specific Enzymes in Home Fresh Poultry Products Poultry In 2012, we improved our poultry programs by adding in a specific mixture of enzymes which resulted in a significant improvement in feed efficiency with broilers at the Kent Research Farm (see chart below). These enzymes, which are stable in pelleted feed, include a xylanase which breaks down fiber components Continue reading… Amino Acid Imbalance with Excess Methionine in Late-Finishing Pigs: Effects on Performance and Carcass Quality Swine The outbreak of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the spring of 2020, resulted in the shutdown of numerous pork harvest facilities across the country. This resulted in many complications in the hog production supply chain with one key area involving slowing the growth of late-finishing market hogs to ensure pigs were Continue reading… Supplemental Chromax ® in Grow-Finish Pigs Swine Developing and evaluating products and feed programs to help producers raise pork more efficiently is an ongoing effort at the Kent Research Farm. Chromium is a trace mineral that helps with the cellular uptake of glucose, which provides energy that supports growth and immunity. In addition, this added energy can Continue reading… Selisseo (Hydroxy-Selenomethionine): Effects on the Immune System in Swine Swine Developing feeding strategies to help reduce the negative effects of stress on swine is an ongoing challenge. Stressful conditions can increase what are called reactive oxygen species (ROS) which can damage cells and impair immune system function. Continue reading… Use Of DL-Methionine In Holding Late-Finishing Pigs Swine In the event of any market suspension that requires slowing the growth of finishing pigs, pork producers need dependable and economical diets that can reduce growth while maintaining carcass quality. Studies conducted at the Kent Research Farm have resulted in the development of four feeding regimens to reduce feed intakes Continue reading… Low Soybean Meal Ration Recommendations For NexGen® Starter Program Swine Soybean meal is a valuable protein source in pig diets. It has an ideal blend of amino acids, which comes very close to meeting the nutritional requirements of growing pigs. Unfortunately, there can be physiological challenges when using high levels of soybean meal in pig diets, particularly with young pigs. Continue reading… Supplemental Amino Acids In NexGen® Starters Swine By James Smith, Ph.D., Senior Technical Swine Nutritionist, and Michael Edmonds, Ph.D., Vice President, Swine and Poultry Nutrition Conducting amino acid studies to fine-tune our pig starters are one of several areas of research at the Kent Nutrition Group. In previous research, we evaluated 1,400 pigs involving 180 pens and Continue reading… Fortification Of NexGen® Starters With Kent Natural Yeast Swine By James Smith, Ph.D., Senior Technical Swine Nutritionist, and Michael Edmonds, Ph.D., Vice President, Swine and Poultry Nutrition Developing nursery feeding programs to enhance the growth, efficiency and health of nursery pigs is critical in helping producers raise more efficient pork. One area of research with pig starters involves evaluating Continue reading… NutriVantage SwineMAX Improves Profitability and Livability in Growing-Finishing Pigs Swine The unique blend of ingredients in NutriVantage SwineMax work to improve nutrient digestion, gut environment, and allow pigs to adapt to stressors throughout the feeding period. Read to learn how this product can lower death loss, improve feed conversion, and significantly increase profit per pig. Continue reading… Derecho Damaged Corn Beef Cattle The Derecho damaged an estimated 40 million acres of farm landing, laying fields of corn bent and broken, if not completely flat. This article investigates designing and using cattle grazing programs to harvest severely damage corn where it is not practical or possible to harvest it mechanically. Continue reading… Kent Performance Primer Beef Cattle When stress happens it often impacts livestock in more than one way, such as feed intake, maintenance requirements, and even health status. Learn how Kent Performance Primer has proved successful in dealing with physiological, environmental, and psychological stressors. Continue reading… Evaluation of Amino Acid Imbalances in Corn and Low Protein Diets in Reducing Growth Rate and Feed Intakes in Late Finishing Pigs Swine COVID-19 has forced numerous packing plants to shut down for extended periods of time placing a critical strain on the pork industry as market hogs are being held for longer than expected. This study demonstrates the success of amino acid imbalances in corn and low protein diets to reduce growth. Continue reading… < FIRST12345....10LAST >